Our Story

Hi! I’m Cat. I’m the owner and creator of Rusalka Apothecary. It’s been my dream since high school to have my own business, be my own boss, and deliver high quality products to customers who need them. Now my journey has finally begun. 

My first business was selling art and illustrations, which I love doing and still occasionally do. It got me through nursing school. I spent nine long years as a Registered Nurse, including through all three years of the Covid-19 pandemic. Being on the front lines is something I’m very proud of, but also it was stressful.

I started selling handmade soaps, shampoo bars, and candles to coworkers here and there. Everyone loved my products. I even made up a cute name, Rusalka, based on mermaid-like spirits of Slavic folklore. My father was always very proud of our Russian heritage. And if my grandpa Casmir were alive to see this business I know he would be proud the Kolasky name is out there helping people find quality products they need.

We wouldn’t be where we are today without help from my family, especially my mom Jean, and the community in and around Anderson, SC. We came to Anderson County in 1994 and we’ve been here ever since. I went to high school and college here. I bought a house here. And now I’m starting a business here. I’m thrilled for all the new people I’ve yet to meet yet! I hope I’ll see you soon!

Cat Kolasky

Picture of Cat wearing pink dress and pink bolero. She has black rimmed glasses and platinum blonde hair, gray eyes, and a glowing smile.